Success Stories

How a Photo Booth Can Engage Conference Attendees Like Never Before!
If you're a photographer, event planner, DJ or just involved in the event industry and planning on attending a tradeshow, you know the importance of making your booth appealing and driving attendee...
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4 Reasons Why You NEED a Photo Booth at Your Next Tradeshow!
Photo booths, without a doubt, can be beneficial beyond weddings and other social events. Taking advantage of a modern photo booth, such as the Salsa booth, can not only improve the over guest exp...
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4 Tips to Book More Photo Booth Events with Your Website
We've talked about the importance of having a website that's streamlined and goes well with your brand identity, but we've never gone into detail about things you may not have thought of. Today, we...
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3 Simple Tricks to Make Post-Processing Your Images a Breeze!
What a night, right? You've captured countless memories, provided the best guest experience possible, and it's time for the final step. Post-processing. What is post-processing? Well, it's whatever...
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