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Article: How We Generated over 700 Leads with a Simple Photobooth

How We Generated over 700 Leads with a Simple Photobooth

How We Generated over 700 Leads with a Simple Photobooth



Trade shows are goldmines for starting relationships. Thousands of individuals and businesses crowd the floor with over 80 percent of attendees with intentions and ability to invest money in your company. Capturing their attention with a photobooth is a natural way to generate leads. Great relationships start with great leads.

By 2020 Millennials will account for 1 of every 3 Americans and every year more and more of them are attending live shows and conferences. This opens up an unprecedented opportunity to capitalize on the value of social media impressions and online brand-engagement.

So then, how do you attract this growing demographic? The problem we faced, along with every single other booth, is how to convert this phenomenon into actionable and reliable sales leads. Once the show is over, how can we continue the conversation with potential clients and expand our brand awareness?

The use of a photobooth at the 2019 International Salon and Spa Expo helped us bring in over 700 unique email addresses for us to connect with people outside of the showroom, more casually, and on our terms.

The small footprint of Salsa, ease of setup, and built in lighting meant we had greater chance of finding the perfect location along the highest traffic areas of the trade show. Photobooths evoke genuine delight and this organic excitement drew other people in to take their turn.

What we learned is that your direct product doesn't need to be carrying all the weight to generates leads. What a business needs is an exciting and fun way for people to engage with your brand or service. This opens avenues for a more direct and personal communication with potential customers.

Email continues to be a strong tools for sales and obtaining this information from prospective clients is not always easy. When presented with crowds of people on a trade floor, it is paramount to attract, engage, and capture.

Along with those emails were over 1,700 photos and boomerangs, each branded with simple overlays, ready to share across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This exponentially expanded our brand's reach and awareness well beyond the convention room floor. The value of this cannot be understated as micro-influencers have begun to take hold in the social media space.

Inviting guests to take photos and share them online provided a clear and simple process that removed a friction which can be common in more traditional setups which require attendees to fill out sign-up sheets in exchange for contest entry or swag, which can reduce the bottom-line by eliminating the manufacturing of physical giveaways.

Providing photos is both convenient and inexpensive, which increases the overall ROI of the booth. Attendees don't have to consider carrying another item around with them and the cost of emailing a photo is small compared to the potential value of a sale. Without leads, there are no sales; without sales, there is no success.

Want to learn more tips and tricks on how to have a successful photo booth business?

Check out our other blog posts and our 26-Episode Video Series where you can hear from real PBSCO Photobooth owners on how they've led their businesses to success!