Incredibly Easy Tips to Make You Stand Out!
Now that we've delved into brand identity, creating a stunning website, pricing your photobooth business, getting your first gig, and how to market your photobooth, it's time to talk about how you can stand out from the crowd.
Alright, so you're at your first event and you're super excited - this is your time to shine. This event is going to be the deciding factor for many people to whether or not they hire you again. With these simple tips, I'm going to share with you how you can stand apart and excel as a photobooth business.
Tip One: Show Up Early
First impressions are key in any business and your photobooth business is no different. I recommend that you show up an average of 1.5 hours before an event. This will allow you to not only set up and take some marketing photos, but it also lets you troubleshoot any issues that may occur and not leave you panicking at the last minute. Nine times out of ten, any problem that you may have can normally be resolved in a matter of minutes, but if you show up with only 30 minutes to spare you may not have the time to troubleshoot properly and it will ultimately stress you out. So again, show up early and let yourself work stress free!
Tip Two: Dress to Impress
You should always dress to impress and look your best according to the event you're working.
For weddings, you should always show up dressed according to the style of the wedding.
Catalina from MDRN Photobooth Company
I recommend a nice black suit for guys and black pants and a nice top for the girls. Of course, if you're doing an outdoors or more sporty event you should dress accordingly. But in general, aim for "black tie" apparel.
Another option is using branded polos or t-shirts, but this should only be used if it's appropriate for the event - such as sponsored, relaxed events. If you're unsure of the dress code for the event, you can always ask. But as I said, you should generally aim for "black tie!"
Tip Three: Clear Communication
Communication is key! You must make sure that you're responding to people in a timely manner. Try to set a turnaround time to get back to your potential clients. Doing so is a good business practice and your clients will know what they can expect from you. Additionally, it's very important that you communicate openly and set expectations from the get-go. Your clients will appreciate this in the end.
With this said, make sure your clients know how to contact you. Make your phone number or email address easily available, especially on your website. Your client should always have a way of contacting you or the person who is running that event.
Tip Four: Get to Know Your Equipment
Please get to know your equipment! So often people post about the most basic problems with their photobooth because they didn't test their event or photobooth beforehand. If you're new to the photobooth industry, that's okay - but do yourself a favor and book a couple of "test events" with friends and family to learn the different steps involved that make an event go flawlessly.
Tip Five: Interact With Guests
While you're at an event you obviously want to give the best service possible, but don't forget that these guests could be potential future clients! If you decide to hire one or two people to be booth attendants make sure that they're friendly, charismatic and good with people. They'll be representing your photobooth business and could be the reason you score new customers.
Enjoy yourself, have fun with the photobooth, and be approachable!
Tip Six: Ask for Feedback/Review
Last but not least, after the event, you want to make sure that you're getting feedback from whoever booked you. This will allow you to discover what they liked, didn't like, etc. and allow you to grow and evolve your business. After all, your customer is who you want to be marketing towards.
I always like to ask for a Google Review if they had a great experience, and if they didn't have a great experience or have suggestions for what we can improve on, I ask that they email me directly.
Catalina from MDRN Photobooth Company
This is a great way to get nice Google Reviews for your company and ultimately helps create credibility for your business! With that said, however, make sure you're not asking for Google Reviews from clients who didn't enjoy or appreciate your service!
And that's it! These are six incredibly easy tips to help make your photobooth business stand out from the rest. I hope these tips help - now, get out there and grow your business!
Want to learn more about Starting a Photobooth Business? Download our free eBook and read about these steps on the go!