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Article: 3 Pages You Didn't Know Your Photo Booth Website is Missing

3 Pages You Didn't Know Your Photo Booth Website is Missing

3 Pages You Didn't Know Your Photo Booth Website is Missing

In a previous article, we went over four tips that can help you score more photo booth bookings with your website. We mostly discussed the 15-second rule and what clients are looking for on your landing page. 

You can check out that article here!

Today, we're going to be going a little more in-depth and discussing what information and what pages you should have on your website. After all, once you've won a client based on your landing page, they're going to start to explore and it's important that your website stands out from your competitors.

About Us

Your "About Us" page is an amazing opportunity to show that you're more than just a company. At the end of the day, humans like to feel like they relate with the people they're going to be working with.

Tell your story! Why did you start a photo booth business? What makes your company different than the rest? 

Draw people in with your story so that, after they've read it, they feel like they really know you and become excited to work with you.

But, don't just write a short novel. Share pictures! 

Sharing pictures of you with your photo booth helps show that you're the one running the events and that you're a small business and not a large corporation. 

If you're comfortable with it, share pictures of you and your family as well! Again, it just helps your clients resonate with you and you become a little more relatable on a personal level.

Contact Us

So this one is going to be a little different. Of course, you should have a contact us page, but that shouldn't be the only place where clients can reach out to you.

Realistically speaking you should have multiple call to action buttons throughout your entire website.

This makes contacting you easy, regardless of where on the website the user is.

If you can, try to add a live chat widget as well. There are many paid solutions, but there are also many free options. Just make sure that if you incorporate a live chat widget on your website, that you get notifications sent to your phone.

The faster you respond, the more likely you are to score that booking.

And again, function over form! Most websites have the live chat widget positioned in the lower right-hand corner and you should too! It'll help people know where they can expect a live chat option if you have it available. 


We've discussed pricing in a little more detail in regards to the actual packages you should offer in this post here.

But today, we're not going to be discussing your packages, but rather how you should layout the pricing page.

Make sure that your packages are side-by-side. It may be aesthetically pleasing to have them situated vertically, but it makes it incredibly difficult for your client to compare the different offers you have.

Make everything on your website easy for the customer! If they feel overwhelmed, they'll likely leave your page.

Below each package you should also have a call to action button. It may seem redundant to have three "book now" buttons in a row, but trust us, it's incredibly important!

Again, take into account function over form. Unless a photo helps display the differences between the packages, don't include it. It just makes the page more distracting overall.

As far as listing your prices is concerned, well that depends on you and your sales skills. If this is just a side hustle, listing your prices may not be a terrible idea to help you save time. But, if this is your full-time gig, try leaving out the prices and letting people reach out to you. 

After all, it's much easier to up-sell or show value when you have someone on the phone.

And that's it! We hope that this article will help you make your photo booth business stand out from the rest by being relatable and easy to navigate.

Want to learn more tips and tricks on how to have a successful photo booth business?

Check out our other blog posts and our 26-Episode Video Series where you can hear from real PBSCO Photobooth owners on how they've led their businesses to success!